AnGeL* IcE™ is Love Sick <title> <STYLE type=text/css> <!-- A:link { font-family: verdana; font-weight: normal; font-size: 11px; cursor: n-resize; color: #CC6699; text-decoration: none } A:visited { font-family: verdana; font-weight: normal; font-size: 11px; cursor: n-resize; color: #CC6699; text-decoration: none } A:active { font-family: verdana; font-weight: normal; font-size: 11px; cursor: n-resize; color: #CC6699; text-decoration: none } a:hover {text-decoration:underline overline; background-color: black; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #FF99CC; cursor: crosshair; } body { background: black; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px; color: silver ; scrollbar-face-color:black; scrollbar-highlight-color:black; scrollbar-3dlight-color:white; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:black; scrollbar-shadow-color:black; scrollbar-arrow-color:white; scrollbar-track-color:black; } .blog { font-family:verdana; font-size: 11px; color: #FF6699; padding: 5px; } .nav { font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px; color: #FF6699; padding: 5px; } .heading { text-align: center; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #FFFFFF; } --> </style> <div style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0;"> <table> <tr> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </CENTER></span> <span style="position: absolute;left:0px;top:0px;width:650;height:480;auto;background:none"> <script> function changeNavigation(id) {document.getElementById('navigate').innerHTML=document.getElementById(id).innerHTML} </script> <img style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;" border="0" src="" width="982" height="599" usemap="#Map1"> <map id="Map1" name="Map1"> <area shape="rect" coords="48, 71, 168, 115" alt="`` bloggie (:" name="bloggie" onClick="changeNavigation('bloggie')"> <area shape="rect" coords="182, 83, 232, 117" alt="`` miee (:" name="about" onClick="changeNavigation('about')"> <area shape="rect" coords="244, 85, 321, 118" alt="`` linkkies (:" name="links" onClick="changeNavigation('taggy')"> <area shape="rect" coords="330,69, 467, 120" alt="`` taggy (:" name="taggy" onClick="changeNavigation('links')"> </map> <div id="bloggie" style="display:none;"> <div align="center"> <font face="verdana"><FONT color=white> `` <b>my Daily journey</b>. [#] `-<br><br> <font color="#000000"> <br> <div class="date"><p class=head><font color="hotblue">Sunday, September 27, 2009</u></p></font> </div> <div align="justify"> </div> <div align="justify"><font color="silver"><div style="clear:both;"></div>Precious memories erased from my mind , be it sweet or sour.<div style="clear:both; padding-bottom:0.25em"></div></div><br><br><br><br> <div align="right"></a></font color=#cccccc> <br><font face="verdana"><font color=#CCCCFF> Li<font color=#CC99FF>ght<font color=#9999FF> my<font color=#9966FF> pa<font color=#6666FF>th</font></font> <font face="tahoma"><br><font color=#FFFFFF >1:04:00 PM</font color=#FFCC00></font></font> <p align=right><br><font face="impact"><font color=ff0066>you</font><font color=ff3399>drove</font><font color=ff99ff>my</font><font color=ffccff>dark</font><font color=ff99ff>ness</font><font color=ff0066>aw</font><font color=ff3399>ay</font><font color=ff66cc>`-</font><font color=ff99ff>//*</font></font></font> </div> <br> <br><br> <center><center> <br><br> </div> </div> <div id="about" style="display:none;"> <font face="verdana"> <p class="head"><font color=silver><center>*[[___ about miee `-//*</p> </font color> <center> <br><br><font color="#FFCCFF">Name:Alex™. <br><br><font color="#FFCCFF">Sex:Male. <br><br><font color="#FFCCFF">Age:14 going 15. <br><br><font color="#FFCCFF">First Cried:05/11/94. <br><br><font color="#FFCCFF">Sch:Woodlands ring sec. <br><br><font color="#FFCCFF">Cca:Gayness.. Skip it. <br><br><font color="#FFCCFF">Class:3e4. <br><br><font color="#FFCCFF">Luv:<br><br> Anything Fun. <3 Lim . <br><br><font color="#FFCCFF">Hate:<br><br> The world. <br><br><font color="#FFCCFF">Games:<br><br> Any relistic FPS game.[FYI:FPS means first-person shooting]. <br><br><font color="#FFCCFF">Archives*<br> <br> <a href="">September 2009</a><br> </center> Heartbroken <\3.. Trying to Fix it <br> AnGeL*IcE™ is Love Sick <br> Memories are deleted.I remember nothing. </div> </div> <script language="JavaScript"> function scrollit_r2l(seed) { var msg="I was all caught up in despair and left alone in darkness. Then you came and offered me your hand and your Light. Now i walk in the light with your Light. 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Hope to live a good life, <br> Had a Surgery when i was 4 yrs old , <br> Went to kindergarten aft i came out , <br> <br> Learn my First Vulgar when i was 5.. , <br> Then i moved on to primary Sch , <br> In primary Sch, life was still until , <br> a met a guy when i was primary 2 . <br> <br> He changed my life. <br> introduced to GOD when i was primary 3, <br> Decided to live life as a Christian , <br> So, Primary 4 came and i was a Devil instead , <br> The teacher was there teaching and i was there playing , <br> Then he had enuf. <br> <br> He gave me a warning and was like a Devil hunter<br> in everything i did , he was there to see .<br> Then primary 5 came , my grade dropped and we went from the 4th class to the 6th class; <br> I was not studying well and playing bball everydae. <br> <br> Then there was the final year...<br> i had been worrying for my life after i finish PLSE , <br> i stopped playing and started to study <br> I finally sat for my PLSE in october .<br> When i received my result in october , <br> i had a shock of my life and was thankful to those who helped me . <br> <br> I moved on to secondary sch ... <br> When i went to Sch , <br> On the orentation dae... i saw the girl of my dreams... <br> I didnt noe wad was happening to me back then , <br> i was lyk a coward .... <br> <br> My studies were quite good... but i jus didnt lyk Chinese , <br> then i move on to secondary 2.... <br> and there was this girl... <br> who was extremely attractive , <br> i decide to tell her.... , <br> How much i <3 her . <br> <br> Didnt noe that she was attatched... <br> i Told her everything she had need to know , <br> On 11 june , i Spell out everything , <br> then my fear came on 14 june 5:06 pm ..... <br> she seems to have forsaken me . <br> <br> I wish i haven told you how much i l0ve uee , <br> so that i could still stay in my dream . <br> anyway there is no use saying all this , <br> i dun think she has feeling for me , <br> this might be the best way out for me . <br> <br> Haiz.. now back to normal liao.. still the same old me , <br> Forgot bout her liao , now jio the same gal in sec 1 , <br> She so cold 2wards me , till now , thers nth else to say <br> It's is real or just another crush? <br> <br> God knows.. We need two hand to clap.. It's the same in Love <br> I.. hold a one-sided love... Things aren't looking good , <br> I feel lyk giving up , maybe she is testing my faith , <br> IDK , Really DK , maybe she can give me the answer , <br> <br> My scorching Heart has been Frost up.. <br> Now , the ice is melting , slowly. <br> As slow as it would take for eu to accept me. <br> She's acting lyk she dosen't know me.. when will this drag on? <br> <br> <br> <font color=CCCCFF><b>"If time could turn back... i wun wanna noe ue... cos ue break my heart <\3" <br><br></b> <font color=cc0000><b>"Ur eyes are so beautiful that no words could even discribe.. " <br> <font color=ccCCFF><b>"A bit of green and red , Should be perfect for both of us " <br> <font color=cc0000><b>"Precious memories erased from my mind.Its hell now. " <br> <br><br> <br><font color="#FFFF99"> CLICK on the light of the world to navigate.<br> </font></p> </div> </div></body></html>